Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where is America?

How does shrinking the gap between the rich and the poor going to help people get jobs?

I have one question for you Obama, if you tax the corporations that give jobs to people and they have to cut back then how are you going to give people jobs? Are you going to pull them out of thin air I think not. Are you going to make this country so dependent on the government that we won’t revolt? I am a poor citizen who can’t afford insurance even if I wanted to and you want to fine me money that I don’t have? I have debt on my credit card for medical bills and am slowly paying that down, I have two jobs, but hear is the thing, I could not afford child care and don’t have a full time job, my husband does, but doesn’t make a lot of money. I don’t own a house, but I went to college and graduated with a degree in Biology. I am not just some naïve citizen who has no idea about the world. I am tired of depending on the government. I don’t do food stamps and don’t get housing paid for. I have my two children who are on chip right now just so they can have regular checkups. What are you doing for me, I repeat what? All I see is a lot of talk about taxing the rich, wonderful, more lost jobs and finding work harder? Sweet, I am so glad to be living during this time frame. Everyone talks about minorities, well let me ask you one thing, just one. Why are illegal immigrants treated better than Native Americans? I come from a rich heritage that I cannot even claim because of all the hoops that my tribe wants me to jump through. I must say does anyone see what the past did to the Native Americans. You killed us and drove us to reservations. Where a lot still live, and have crappy educations. I am sorry for all the blacks went through, and if you think about it Native Americans were the first slaves, though it didn’t last long because they knew the land and escaped, but still everything I have ever learned about them is they were treated harsh and still are. I wanted to be a doctor to help those around me. With everything that is going on, I don’t know if I can anymore. Life is what it is I guess that phrase has become a common place in peoples’ lives now. What will the future hold for us, is a question I ask myself every day. I have been through a lot in my young life. My son was born with under developed lungs and damaged kidneys and bladder. The fact that he survived the first night was a miracle, and it looked like he was going to make it, but in the end I had to say goodbye. Do you know what it feels like to bury your child, one you never got to see grow up? Why is it we look at life in money signs and stats? Is that all there is to the world statistics and money? When did family become something to overlook. So many people put off parenthood do the next generation mean so little to you. Is the prospect of potential money and power drive everyone away from the simple foundations that made this country great? My life has taught me great importance to family and enjoying even the tiniest moments we have because you never know what the next moment will have in store for you. One moment you are holding your baby and enjoying yourself and the next you are holding him while you say goodbye. One moment can change your life, and what you do in the next will define your life. I didn’t stop breathing because others counted on me to continue. I hate to sit here and just explain that the country needs better leadership, because you cannot progress if you continue to go backwards. So, is congress the opposite of progress I hope not and I hope that the president you decide to bring this country up to where it once was is someone who loves this land even with its faults and doesn’t apologize for it. We have faults everyone does, and the only one who doesn’t is not on earth anymore. So people if you want a better life for you and your children’s children yes keep going because what happens today will affect the future. Make your voice heard and I don’t mean protest, though that seems like a logical idea, come on there are other ways. I mean you decided whether to vote or not and if you voted then you made your choice and if you changed your mind then vote for someone different. It’s one thing to complain and protest, but if you didn’t take the time to choose then your choice was already made up. America you are a great country with people who need you, the founding fathers didn’t fight for this country to have it die. Let us do our founders a great service and return our country to one that is founded on the faith that “IN GOD WE TRUST” we may get through even the impossible wars that face us.

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